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TREE Seminar


Triangle Resource and Environmental Economics

Duke University
North Carolina State University
RTI International

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The Triangle Resource and Environmental Economics (TREE) Seminar, a collaboration of Duke University, North Carolina State University, and RTI International, is one of the oldest research colloquia in the U.S. dedicated to the study of environmental, resource, and energy economics. It regularly attracts renown scholars to the North Carolina Research Triangle to hone and disseminate their research and enrich the scholarship of Triangle economists. A focal point for economists in Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill, seminars are regularly attended by researchers at the partner institutions, as well as those affiliated with the University of North Carolina and government agencies and private firms throughout the Triangle. Any interested scholar is welcome to attend seminar and join the TREE community.

TREE Seminar is organized by Jared Woollacott of RTI International, Eric Edwards and Roger von Haefen of North Carolina State University, and Robyn Meeks and Sara Sutherland of Duke University. Questions about TREE Seminar can be directed to the Steering Committee eric.edwars[at] or robyn.meeks[at]

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Center for Environmental and Resource Economic Policy
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
NC State University
Campus Box 8109
Raleigh, NC 27695-8109


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